Friday, April 29, 2011

Not so Terrible

I think I should go get a full time job so that I will have time to blog.

Keelin has been two for almost a month and I have come to the conclusion that I really like my two year old, time outs and all.

I like that she can convey ideas with just a few words, it tells me there is a lot going on in her little mind. I like even more when she tells me things with full sentences, and there is no guess work. I like listening to her talk when she doesn’t think anyone is listening, it lets me know what parts of her world she pays attention to and understands. She has an imagination and I love it.

Somehow she manages to be high maintenance and needy and independent all at the same time.

After Tierney was born we finally broke her of having to be rocked to sleep before bed. Between baths, nursing, and rocking bedtime was taking me 3 hr. It took a couple of weeks to get used to but I like she enjoys me talking to her about her day as she lays in bed as much as she liked the rocking. I also think it settles her much faster than the rocking did, and I know we all get more sleep now.

She is super emotional and clingy after her afternoon nap, but sometimes its nice to just sit and hold her in the afternoon, so I don’t really mind.

Its clear that she is ready and able to learn but she is not always open to new ideas/concepts an attitude we are going to have to fix before she enters school. We are working on colors, everything is yellow for some reason, and numbers 4 and 5 are often left out, shapes which she often surprises me with how much she knows since I don’t find the opportunity to do those often, and ABC’s. She will not let me sing the ABC’s to her, she gets mad and whiny and weird. She has two phonics toys that sing the song, its sung at story time, we have a couple of alphabet books, and I’m thinking maybe she’s heard it on the sprout show because I will hear her attempt to sing it while she is playing.

I tired to potty train her and gave up quickly. She had 5 accidents in two hours and I felt myself getting annoyed. It was not a completely loss though because since that day she has consistently pooped in the toilet, I will tackle the pee part again soon.

She has mastered putting her shoes on herself, but why do kids so consistently put them on the wrong feet? She long ago mastered taking her cloths off and is doing pretty good getting them on herself.

This last year has been lots of fun; I wish I was better at blogging so that we would have a fuller record of the fun. She loves to color, draw, sing, and play outside. She has a silly personality and gives lots of love especially to her sister.

Everyone told us nothing would be the same once we had a kid, but no one ever said how happy we would be with the change.

1 comment:

Mom the baum said...

Ahw love it Lisa. She does have a great sence of humor I love that about her too. I love it when I try to help her and she says I can do by myself. I thonk it shows a good attitude about doing things and that she is willing to give it a try. And its funny you should say it about being a parent. I can say the same about being a grandparent. I was told how great it is for years and have had a ache in my heart for grandchildren I could not see. But having Keelin and Tierney is better than I could ever imagine. I love those girls and can't wait until all for grand girls will know each other. That will be the best.