Friday, October 21, 2011

Over it

We've lived in our new house for 2 months and we still do not have a baby gate up at the bottom of the stairs or a normal set up for the electronics in the living room. I am so sick of having to stop what I'm doing every 30 sec to re-direct a very mobile, very determined baby. We had a make shift barrier in front of the stairs because we are classy like that and she has figured out how to move, climb over, though, or squeeze past said barriers.

I also wish I could move my sleeping baby from her car seat to her crib. I did it successfully on Tuesday but today and yesterday resulted in big, fat, fails, which means I am on day 2 of no baby free time in the afternoon, maybe that is why I am so moody.

1 comment:

CanadianMama said...

We just got our baby gate up this weekend and he's been crawling for three months now. I agree - super annoying!