Sunday, May 8, 2011

3 Months

Since I can't remember 2 weeks ago this update is going to be a 3 1/2 month update

This little girl is a sleeper and I love it. She will sleep anywhere, anytime, with very little or no help from me. She takes two long naps a day and cat naps if I take her with me to run errands. If we go on a big outing she will take long naps in the car or stroller. She sleeps 11 1/2 - 12 1/2 hours each night. Sometimes she wakes between 4am and 5am for a snack, but other times she will sleep straight though the night.

She is nice and chunky, but I'm not sure of her exact weight or length. I guess I should find a scale or buy batteries for mine so that I can get a guesstimate. She does not spend a lot of time nursing. She will go long stretches during the day, up to 5 hours between eating, and if I try and feed her when she is not hungry she gets irritated. I'm assuming that now that she has figured out how to stay latched on and does not swallow tons of air she is an efficient nurser and gets the food she needs in the little bit of time she spends nursing.

She found her voice and it is big and loud and I love it. Over the last few days I have been able to get her to laugh out loud which I like even more than how much she sleeps.

I think she has gotten the hang of rolling from front to back. She is not beyond complaining till I roll her over but for the most part when I put her on her tummy she rolls to her back within minuets. She is also showing signs of rolling from back to front.

She is really good at entertaining herself. She likes her tummy time mat, her swing, and I started sitting her in a booster seat and putting toys on the tray which she seems to enjoy. She does not care for the bouncer and I brought the johnny jump up down but so far she does not seem too impressed with that.

She will not take a bottle and I have pretty much given up. In about 2 months I will introduce the cup and hopefully she takes to that the way Keelin did and I can be gone without worrying.

Tierney 3 months

Keelin at 3 months

1 comment:

Mom the baum said...

Love it they are holding their little hands in the same way. Are you going to try and keep that going?